А как получать удовольствие ежли ощущения ж@па very, very wrong.
Шелдон Браун (светлая ему память) очень емко написал про
то самое удовольствие и как его получать:
If you're riding for sheer pleasure, or for exercise, you don't necessarily place that high a premium on output results, as measured in speed, distance or vertical climb. Instead, you may care more about the actual experience of riding your bike. In this case, you may be a candidate for a singlespeed bike.
Riding a singlespeed can help bring back the unfettered joy you experienced riding your bike as a child. You don't realize how much mental energy you devote to shifting until you relinquish your derailers, and discover that a whole corner of your brain that was formerly wondering when to shift is now free to enjoy your surroundings and sensations.Ето как травка- в первые разы может и не зацепить.
Но если зацепит,то от кайфа тяжело отказатся.
Более сильных наркотиков не пробовал ибо опасно и не нужно.