Дешёвые и не плохие Свич Иво - сет 97 паундов плюс железный барабан 25 плюс адаптеры по 10
Есть и подороже дегем Тесла будут 53 паудов больше
12/09/2012 Preparing [PayPal IPN]
12/09/2012 Payment recieved PayPal IPN Verified [Completed (Verified; £49.62)]
12/09/2012 Payment recieved PayPal IPN Verified [Refunded (; £-49.62); refund]
12/09/2012 Processing Hello unfortunately we can no longer accept orders from Israel due to the large numbers of items which are not delivered by the local delivery service.
The only way we can guarantee delivery of items is using UPS Express shipment. The cost of this is £50 for small items and for larger items like bars, rims or wheelboxes it is £90. You will get full tracking on UPS orders and they will require a signature on delivery.
We cannot continue to send items as over 50% of items appear to not be delivered by standard recorded post. Israel has the highest lost/undelivered rate for our company by a large margin. This is not acceptable for both ourselves or for our customers, so we have moved all Israel deliveries to UPS at a higher cost. Unfortunately we cannot absorb these costs and will pass them on at the actual cost to the customer.
We understand this cost is very high and will refund your order automatically, if you would like to reorder with the higher postage charges please let me know and I will raise an invoice for you.
Regards, Superstar Components.
The Superstar Team
12/09/2012 Package Dispatched REFUNDED NOT SHIPPED
Это называется, хитрожопые Израильтяни сами себя за жопу укусили!