Может кто знаком с проблемой, когда еду быстро вниз, и особенно когда в грудь дует сильный ветер, то Гармин Дакота показывает невсердупенно (lupus (c) )высокий пульс.
Мой максимальный пульс который я наблюдал на себе - 171 (или 174, не помню точно но до 170 мне очень тяжело поднять пульс, и начинаются сильные боли в груди.) Как правило при интенсивной нагрузке 160 для меня, это уже много.
Так вот, пульс на спусках (по асфальту, без того что бы крутить педали) застревает на какой то высокой цифре (например 184) и держится очень долго, порой весь спуск. Иногда прыгает на другие цифры.
Неделю назад был посл 233 (спуск был страшный но не на столько!)
Написал в Гармин, прислали список вещей. Из всего написанного попробовал всё, но одно меня смущает: они написали что рекомендуют сенсор вешать на сторону спины (а не на сторону груди). Я так и сделал, но Дакота не смог к нему подключиться (как по мне, так это логично, ведь сенсор не сотовая станция (раз батарейки на 4 года хватает), через тело сигнал не пробивает, чего тогда рекомендовать?)
Ещё проверил батарейку (ей всего пол года) 2.97 вольт.
Вот ответ от Гармина:
Dear Vitally Zilber,
Thank you for contacting Garmin Europe.
Here are some troubleshooting steps to take if you are having problems
with heart-rate monitor,
1. The heart-rate monitor is to be worn with the logo right-side up,
directly on the skin just beneath the breastplate. Direct contact to
skin and moisture is necessary to establish an electrical connection
between your body and the heart-rate monitor. As such, it may be
necessary to wet the contacts on the monitor or use electrode gel to get
a reliable connection established at the beginning of a workout. If the
heart-rate readings are erratic, especially when biking, the heart-rate
monitor can be positioned on the back instead of below the breastplate.
This allows better contact to skin.
2. It may be necessary to rescan for the heart rate monitor, especially
if the unit has been reset at some point. To do this, when wearing the
strap, go into the ANT + Sport / Accessories section of the setup menu
and select restart scan.
3. If electrode gel is used regularly, connection problems may persist
if dried residue has built up on the contacts of the heart-rate monitor.
4. Move away from any devices that may be causing electrical
interference. Common examples include computer monitors (CRTs) and
high-voltage electrical lines. Use of an AM/FM Tuner or MP3 Player may
cause erratic or intermittent reception.
5. If your unit is not receiving a signal from the heart-rate monitor,
you may need to replace the battery in the heart-rate monitor. The
heart-rate monitor uses a CR2032 Lithium Coin Cell battery. Be sure to
replace the battery lid and o-ring correctly as the waterproof seal may
be compromised. When removing the battery please wait for about 2
minutes before inserting the new battery. After the battery has been
changed, please rescan for the monitor as detailed in step 2
6. Software update and reset on the Dakota. The easiest way to update
is by making use of the WebUpdater application. WebUpdater is a free
application that can be downloaded and installed on the computer. It
guides you through the process of updating the unit software in a Garmin
device. WebUpdater can be run at any time to check and install
applicable Unit Software updates in a Garmin device.
To download and view instruction on the use of WebUpdater please go to
the following link
http://www8.garmin.com/products/webupdater/howtoinstall.jspTo the reset the Dakota
Power the device Off
Place a finger in the upper left side of the display
Maintain pressure on the display, then press and hold the Power Button
Wait 5 seconds, then release the Power Button
Continue to hold your finger on the display until the following message
appears: Do you really want to erase all user data?
Remove your finger from the display
Select Yes to the prompt asking to clear all user data
Once the device has been reset, it will revert back to the factory
default settings and all user data will be lost. The device will need to
reacquire satellites. To do this, place the device outside for a period
of no less than twenty minutes in an area where there is a clear view of
the sky.
Then rescan for the HRM again.
7. If the above steps have not fixed the issue, the heart-rate monitor
or Dakota unit may need to be replaced or repaired.
If there is anything else I can help you with then please let me know.
Alternatively you can search for a solution here:
http://www.garmin.com/supportKind regards,
Sam Taylor
Garmin Europe
Вот на пример: