В продолжение темы вот такое видение в виде пристежки, понятно что схема примитивна и многие детали опущены, но думаю при определенном опыте такая конструкция имеет право на жизнь.
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В подтверждение проекта велодельтоплана еще в 70-х была разработана конструкция легкого самолета на человеческой тяге.
"You have now built, if I have the number correct, five planes that are powered either by human energy, or by solar energy. What is it that fascinates you about minimal or low-energy vehicles? What is it that got you so focused on that?
Paul MacCready Interview Photo
Paul MacCready: What was really fascinating about human-powered flight was the £50,000 prize for achieving it. That's the sole reason that I got into it. A subsequent project of human-powered flight was the Gossamer Albatross flight across the Channel. That was for £100,000. That was the glorious motive for doing that project. After that, the projects were done for somewhat more altruistic reasons. One thing led to another, and we couldn't have anticipated what happened. They all have tended to feature light-weight, pushing-the-frontier, low-power, electric power, solar power, human power and so on. There was a lot of random influence, but it all began because of prize money."
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